News for Zeekat

Development Consulting Articles


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A simple synthesizer in 7.17 Kb of Flash

posted at 2009-03-19

Flash finally raised my curiousity by adding fully programmable audio in Flash player 10. This means you can read the currently playing audio stream to provide reasonably accurate VU meters etc, but more interesting, it means you can write your … Continue reading…

Adding a modeline to emacs-rails

posted at 2008-12-06

I just updated emacs-rails so that feedback on the currently running test is put in the global modeline. This means you get that feedback in all buffers, so you can work on something else while your tests are running, and … Continue reading…

better console/keyboard menus for emacs

posted at 2008-09-14

One of the projects I’m working on is in Ruby on Rails, and I’m using emacs-rails (with some small tweaks) as the development environment. Emacs rails works fine, except for one thing: the navigation menus (x-popup-menus) are awkward when you … Continue reading…

using emacs’ (compile) command to track errors

posted at 2008-08-21

For a mod_perl project I’m working on I wanted a way to track the apache error log and jump to the source of the errors from emacs. Fortunately, emacs’ (compile) command makes this very easy:

;; restarts apache and track … Continue reading…

Inconsolata – a nice programming font

posted at 2008-02-26

My current favorite Emacs*font to work with the new XFT backend is Inconsolata. I’ve tried a few others, but this font is just very clear, not too fat and not too skinny, and it has a slashed zero, as a … Continue reading…

Rambling on Javascript: “Constructors considered mildly confusing”

posted at 2008-02-11

In which I poke your eye with the details of prototypes and constructors in JavaScript. Includes pretty diagrams! Read it here: Constructors considered mildly confusing. Continue reading…

Emacs CVS HEAD (finally) has anti-aliased fonts

posted at 2008-02-07

The emacs-unicode-2 branch has been merged into the main branch. This means really good looking fonts for everyone on X11. Get it now:

cvs -z3 co cd emacs ./configure –with-xpm –with-tiff –with-jpeg –with-png –with-freetype –with-xft –with-rsvg –with-gtk –enable-font-backend make … Continue reading…

Arc is released

posted at 2008-01-30

As one or two of my readers may know, Arc is a project by Paul Graham to produce a new Lisp/Scheme dialect for the future. Up till now details about it have been very sparse, but today the first version … Continue reading…

European Common Lisp Meeting, Amsterdam, April 19/20, 2008

posted at 2007-12-25

From comp.lang.lisp: Arthur Lemmens and Edi Weitz are proud to announce the European Common Lisp Meeting 2008. The meeting will consist of a Sunday full of talks on April 20, 2008, with optional dinners on Saturday and Sunday evening. Continue reading…

perl audio modules get reviewed

posted at 2007-12-13

Jonathan Stowe wrote a short piece on a demo he gave on making music with perl and includes code and mp3. He’s been using my Audio::SndFile and Audio::LADSPA modules and was kind enough to also write some positive reviews on … Continue reading…